Deprecated: is_ajax is deprecated since version 6.1.0!

Deprecated: is_ajax is deprecated since version 6.1.0! Use wp_doing_ajax instead. in /home/xxxxx/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5211 To solve this, go and download and old version of Woocommerce, e.g 5.9.0 Zip file and then uninstall new version of woocommerce plugin which is 6.1.0 and install 5.9.0. The error will go. If you want to use new […]

Using Affiliate Dashboard

Features Affiliates can access their own dashboard, where they find all information about sales trend When a user visits the store with a refer ID in query string, our platform saves the affiliate ID and credits commissions to him/her if this visit turns into purchase Refer ID will be stored in user’s cookie for a […]

Using Affiliate Dashboard

The affiliate dashboard is made of different sections: Dashboard Commissions Visits Coupons Payments Link generator Settings The affiliate dashboard is made of different sections: Dashboard Commissions Visits Coupons Payments Link generator and Settings Dashboard The dashboard section is the home screen with a recap of all the data of their profile, with: Total earnings, paid, […]
